In Uganda, I visited some of my friends Christie and George Magera and their wonderful family. I miss them so much. They welcomed us like we were family. They gave us a wedding celebration that the royals would be jealous of. There was dancing and singing. The women stayed up all night cooking by a one bulb light
for the celebration.I love all the people there. They were all so humble. I felt truly welcomed.
I couldn't have a complaint in the world, how could I when the people around me had nothing. I saw children bathing in plastic tubs. Homes made of mud and grass. Children walking for miles to get to school. People never complained. I never saw children crying or fussing, they just LIVE. The streets are filled with people, not shopping and eating in resturants, but working in the garden or making bricks. These people know how to live.
Everywhere we went some one gave us something to eat or cook. Matt and I are going to miss the food there. The food here in America is so processed. Everything there is natural. I drank milk straight from the cow (and it is delicious in hot tea). Fast food over there is going down the road and stopping in a village and people run up to your car with things they have cooked to sale. I ate chicken on a stick and it was awesome and talking fast, we were outta there in 2 minutes with chicken, a roasted plantain, and a cold drink. A chicken that was given to us by our sponsored son's father, that we got to have for supper
But where my heart lyes is with the children. I miss them so much. Their loving hearts melted mine. I hugged and loved on every child that would let me. The first day we were welcomed by all the children in the village. They sang and danced for us. I spotted Gideon the little boy I sponsor. After the performance was done, some children came over and we got to met some of our sponsored kids. They were so shy. I tickled and played with them all. I sat one of my sponsored kids in my lap, she was so nervous, she had no idea how much I love her. Then later that day I had a visitor. It was Gideon. He brought me his report card and some avocados. He was so happy to see me that he kissed my cheeks a million times and sat in my lap. This time he wasn't shy at all. I later learned that from that day forward, none of them would be shy. Hugs would come from nowhere.
I loved them and they loved me back. In a world where parents don't love on there children, there was love. As I think of them all, it brings tears to my eyes, cause I know they miss us. I saw Jesus in every face. I saw His feet and hands. Matt and I walked some kids a long way home cause it was about to rain, we turned to go back home and they followed.