I've been tossing around the idea of going to Uganda but with the new baby coming and me quiting my job this summer to be a stay at home mom it's going to be hard if not impossible to get back anytime soon. I plan on breast feeding for the first year so that makes it even more difficult. If I dont go now, it will be a couple of years before I can. I only have about a month and a half that I can still travel and it is causing me major panic. So I pray.
God knows my heart and He knows how bad I want to go. I miss everyone there so badly and had plans to go the end of the month but funds didn't work out like I had planned. So I am stepping out in faith. As a Young Living distributor, I will use every new sign up I get to go towards this trip. Also if you would like to donate you can through my paypal stormy_jones2008@yahoo.com
This is the link to sign up for Young Living

God knows my heart and He knows how bad I want to go. I miss everyone there so badly and had plans to go the end of the month but funds didn't work out like I had planned. So I am stepping out in faith. As a Young Living distributor, I will use every new sign up I get to go towards this trip. Also if you would like to donate you can through my paypal stormy_jones2008@yahoo.com
This is the link to sign up for Young Living