Friday, February 18, 2011

Prayer is Strong

Here I sit the in waiting room of the hospital. My grandmother is going through a very dangerous surgery. I brought my computer to keep my friends updated on her status. I can't believe the pouring hearts that are posting on my page. The support is so overwhelming. I want to thank each and everyone of you not only for praying but for being there for me through thick and thin. My Granny's life is in God's hands and if He calls her home, that is His will. No matter how bad it may hurt, I will have God's grace to get me through it. Here six days after her birthday the waiting room is full of her support. May God grant us another chance to spend more time with her. I love you my dear Granny. You were there for me with no one else was. You have people praying for you all over the world, and prayer can moves mountains. Pray my friends. Pray for this difficult time for my family. Only God knows the out come.


  1. My dear Stormy! You have this girl in tears. Thank you for sharing. We love you, are praying for you, praying that God's will be done for Granny and your family. Please feel the comfort of God's hands as He envelopes you and your family in His mightly gentle hands. Love you!

  2. Praying for you dear friend! Whatever God's plan may be, His love will be pouring out upon you and your family! <3
