Day 18 in Uganda
This morning I spent a little time with Josiah. I know I haven’t got much longer here. We sat in my room and I sang and talked baby talk with him. I am gonna miss this cute kid. Later I laid in my room and listened to the kids laugh outside my window. My heart races thinking about my last few days in Uganda, so I tried to keep my mind off of it. We had no power and it was so hot, so Wilson opened my outside door for a little while and I took pictures of some of the kids as they walked by. I pray that God gives me peace so I can enjoy these last days. These people here are my life now. When I get back to the States, I will do nothing but think of them. Last time I was here, we were going nonstop. This time I put faces with the names. I built relationships with so many. I made best friends. What am I gonna do without them?
Later Norah, Godfrey, and I took a walk. Norah was sick with Malaria so I carried her jerrycan for her. I wanted to see the people again before I left. I am not sure what we will be doing tomorrow. I dread to even think. Norah told me her brother Elijah wanted to give me some milk. I stopped and took pictures of baby sheep that were in the road. They were so tiny. We got to Norah’s house and Elijah wanted to go walking with us before he milked the cow. Joviah was fixing her sister’s hair. She gave me a big hug and told me she loved me as always. I told her I was going to miss her so much. All the kids wanted their chance to take pictures with my camera. So I got some pictures of me and some of the kids. Godfrey loved taking pictures. Today we became very close. He wanted so badly to talk with me, but he doesn’t know good English. He asked if he could take some pictures throughout the trip. So we headed down the dirt road.
I wanted to go visit Mastulah and say goodbye to her and her family just in case I didn’t see them before I left. So we walked toward her house. On the way we stopped at one of my sponsored children’s homes. Her name is Margaret. We saw one of Elijah’s brothers walking home from school and I got his picture. Then we stopped by Norah and Elijah’s aunt's home. I sat for a while and talked with all the kids. I looked in the yard and there was Margaret. She came and sat in my lap and we took a picture together. They had some baby chicks that were only a day old. When we got ready to go his aunt gave me some corn for popping. Then we went to Mastulah’s. She greeted me with a smile. I am so glad she smiles at me now. I waved at her father and he threw up both hands to wave. I said our goodbyes and I told them all Jesus loves them. Then we headed back to Elijah’s for milk. As we walked back down the road, Norah asked me to sing a song in English. So I sang songs by Janis Joplin as we headed back to Elijah’s and they tried to sing along. God is so amazing!
Elijah and his brother
When we got there Elijah’s mom was there. She is such a beautiful woman. Godfrey got a picture of us two together. She hugged my neck. Joviah and I went down to get one of the baby pigs. Last time I didn’t get a picture of one, so this time I was gonna get one. She grabbed one and it squealed. They are so small I could put one in my pocket. They were the cutest things I have ever seen. The one that had the messed up legs died. They told me it wasn't eating. I went back up and watched Elijah milk the cow. They gave me the milk and Godfrey, Brian and I were on our way back home.
The moon is beautiful tonight. I got some pictures of some people pumping water by the moon light. Last night I got an awesome picture of Ali looking at the moon. Later I cooked some mac and cheese. I called Wilson in the kitchen to show him how it was done. This morning Christie joked with him about the half packet I had found in the floor. His reply was “One half is better than zero.” These kids crack me up. I cooked two boxes. When it was time to mix everything together, Christie stressed the two packs to Wilson. He laughed the whole time.
Later Christie and I went into the boys room. They were doing their homework by the light of a kerosene lamp. This is the first time I have been in their room since I have been here. I sat and listened as they told us things that were going on. Their broken English is hard to understand. I have gotten really close to all the kids. I have given my time to them. They have blessed me beyond words. I am so thankful God has led me here. I pray I can return very soon.

AMAZING pictures!!! prayers for you as you prepare to say "see you later!" and a safe journey back to Matt and the kids!