Day 13 in Uganda
This morning Moses went back to Munta Royal College. He woke me to tell me goodbye. Betty was here and George asked me to show her how to make french toast. She was a great student. Then when we finished, we sat down and she taught me some more Luganda. Later I sat back out on the porch and watched the kids scurry around like ants during their first school break. Today 218 children were in school. That was good for the first week. At lunch I helped pass out food again. I washed dishes when they ran out of bowls. All the kids were yelling “Stormy!” when they past through the lunch line. As I was washing bowls, the kids would say thank you. What a blessing. The sun wore me out. When I flung excess water from the bowls it dried almost instantly on the dirt. When I finished the staff told me well done and thanked me for my help. I enjoyed every minute I got to spend with these people. I love it here.
I came home and had some lunch. I took a little nap and read some Chicken Soup for the Christian Family. We had some secondary school kids come to be profiled. A grandmother came that had been kicked out of her home after being there for over 15 years. She was supporting her grandchildren and they now have no where to go. The laws here are so corrupt. Many parents with their children showed up today hoping to be profiled, but there is no room for new students.
Later I went outside and helped a lady sort beans. Before long the porch was covered in children willing to help. Elijah, Jjemba, Brian, and Yafese all sat around to help. Some older kids came up and wanted me to get pictures of them working. Then I went on a walk. Jjemba and Elijah walked me to Jjaja Mastula. On the way we saw a little baby boy sitting naked on the dirt. He was so cute. And for once he didn’t cry. All the smaller kids here cry when a Mzungu gets close to him/her.
I saw some pumpkins growing and a little girl carrying slop to a pig. We finally reached Jjaja Mastula’s home. She had finished a basket and I purchased it from her. Mastula brought it out on her head. This girl brightens my world. She hardly ever smiles but when she does, it is beautiful. Jjaja Mastula was so happy. She offered me some food, but I told her she needed it. Mastula’s taata(daddy) wanted me to get a picture of him eating. So I took his picture. These people love to have their picture taken. I told them all Sulabalugi(goodnight) and we headed to the trading center. Jjemba walked with the basket on his head for a little while. He looked so serious. These guys are hilarious. I took a picture of a tiny boy on top of a huge bicycle. I saw one of the most beautiful little girl I have ever laid my eyes on. Her mouth was wide open the whole time she looked at me. She looked as though she had just seen a ghost and by the color of my skin she was half right. When we got to the trading center, It was alive with people. There were bodas coming from every direction. We weren’t there long before we turned of the main road and headed back home. I got to see my other sponsored child, Margaret Nagujja, on the way home. This was the first time I have seen her since I have been here this time. She was wearing the dress I gave her the last time I was here in June. She smiled big as she took a picture with her mom.
We stopped by Elijah’s house. He wanted me to see him milk his cow. Joviah had asked me to come by there days before, so now was my chance. Joviah was outside washing her clothes. It was already dark. She was so happy to see me. She said “Njagala Kafuba”(I want a hug) and held her arms out wide. I ran to her. She told me she loved me and held on tight. This girl speaks English well. She is very smart. Elijah got a bucket ready. Momma Elijah, Joviah, Elijah, Nora and his other brothers and sisters all went out back with me to watch him milk the cow. He first brought the cow’s calf around to start sucking. Then he pulled it away and started milking. This is the first time I had ever seen anybody milk a cow. He wanted me to get a picture. The cow moved it’s leg then peed. Everyone broke into laughter. Nora told them I was her best friend. She said I was 100, 100% her best friend. How funny because I had said the same thing about her. I love this family. They gave me milk and walked me home. This place is getting harder and harder to leave. My heart will always be here. We said our goodbyes and I got inside to get a bath. My feet were filthy again. The power was off, so I got a cold bath. Not to bad when you have been in the hot all day. I got to my room and the covers were pulled back like I was in a hotel. My basket was sitting there with my book and camera in it. I feel so much love here. I can’t even think about the fact that I am leaving next week. This time here was different than the last. I invested in the lives of the people. I visited them. I helped them. I loved them. Although we will be oceans away, they will always be in my heart. I then sat down and enjoyed tea with my fresh milk in it and reflected on the days events. My heart is full.

Praying for you, that you will find peace between the two worlds you live in, and love on. As much as you miss them, they will miss you. Take heart in knowing that you are well loved. Blessings, Stormy. :)